“Ayllu”, translated as “community” in Peru’s Quechua language, is a strategic program designed to create broad systematic change to the learning outcomes and community participation of children with disabilities across Spanish speaking communities.
Our mission is to improve access to evidence-based information, training and advocacy tools for families and educators that can be easily comprehended and applied within home and school environments.

Ayllu” is the cumulation of over 10 years of field knowledge and evidence based curriculum…
Ayllu has digitally transformed over 10 years of field knowledge and curriculum developed for Manos Unidas Peru’s teacher and parent training programs. We have authored and produced a proprietary web-based video curriculum with dozens of disability education, training, and advocacy modules taught in Spanish by professionals across the globe.
The proprietary content is adapted for cultural relevance by breaking down complex information into useful and practical strategies through video instruction and real-life case studies that families and teachers can easily implement in their environments.
A Global Online Community
Ayllu brings together Spanish-speaking learners from around the globe who are interested in improving the learning outcomes of children with disabilities. Most of these learners are mothers and primary caregivers of young children with disabilities.
Ayllu’s professional consultants offer personalized learning approaches for each registered member. Each members is assigend a personal consultant to support their learning journey.
Community engagement opportunties are offered to members in order to build community. Members participate in group chats, video calls and physical meet-ups based on geographical locations.

Ayllu also hosts live webinars with experts in the field with live Q & A opportunities.

Expert Content Advisors & Contributors:

Alison Moors-Lipshin

Mapy Chavez-Askins

Andrew Gardner

Geographical Reach
Ayllu’s vision is to bring together Spanish speaking families and educators across the America’s regardless of geographical location . . .
But to start, we have begin with our community connections in:
Cusco, Peru
Baja California, Mexico
Washington state (Snohomish, King, Pierce Counties)
Each geographical region has a tight story and connect to the history and presence of Manos Unidas including where the U.S. organization is incorporated.

The Global Challenges
Ninety per cent of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school, says UNESCO. (UNESCO)
Family members and primary care providers assume responsibility for children’s learning and lack access to evidence based practical, culturally relevant tools to support learning.
Education systems lack access to evidence based strategies, the tools toand train and provide quality education.
Many cultural barriers and social stigmas continue to perpetuate segregation and isolation of children, youth and adults with disabilities.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Ayllu is an endeavor aligning with the United Nation’s Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities and Strategic Development Goals #4 (Quality Education) and #10 (Reduced Inequalities).

Content Authors and Instructors

Rufminia Rojas Holguin

Cinthia Olarte Jimenez

Yenny Agurto Otero

The Ayllu Project is actively seeking grants, partnerships and sponsors
Please contact: celeste@manosunidasintl.org